Norway pension fund doesn't want to pay Elon Musk's $56 billion Tesla performance bonus

Alfonso Maruccia

Posts: 1,127   +337
A hot potato: There is growing concern over the payout Elon Musk has requested for his involvement with Tesla in 2018. Shareholders in Norway consider the deal excessive and motiveless. They are still in talks but are ready to vote against the substantial multibillion-dollar compensation package.

Tesla shareholders are preparing for their annual meeting scheduled for June 13, and many are eager to express their opposition to Musk's extremely rich payout proposed in 2018. One of the wealthiest men in the world wants $56 billion for his significant involvement with Tesla and the results achieved by the company. The Government Pension Fund of Norway says that's way more than it is willing to pay.

Also known as the Oil Fund, the organization collects the surplus wealth produced by Norwegian petroleum income and is managed globally by the Norwegian Central Bank. The fund recently voted against the Tesla proposal, confirming the decision taken on the matter when the board ratified the original deal.

The Oil Fund appreciates the great value created since 2018 under Musk's watch. However, it is concerned about the enormous size of the award, the performance triggers involved, and the lack of risk mitigation for key personnel. The organization continues to talk with Tesla on the topic but is ready to vote against the compensation package during the upcoming shareholder meeting.

The crux of the argument is this: Musk agreed to defer "performance-based compensation" during his leadership of Tesla until the carmaker achieved $650 billion market capitalization. Tesla was valued at $53 billion at the time of the deal and reached an all-time high of $1.24 trillion in 2021. However, Tesla's market cap now hovers at around $556 billion.

Norway's Oil Fund is part of a growing group of shareholders unwilling to pay Musk since Tesla is the S&P500's worst-performing stock this year, down by 28 percent. A Delaware judge shot down the $56 billion award in January, ruling the award "excessive." The judge sided with an investor, saying Tesla approved the award illegally due to Musk's close relationships and influence over the company's board members. Oil Fund and others believe that the compensation package should be no more than $46 billion according to current performance.

Many shareholders don't want to drown Musk in (even more) money, but Tesla's administration is still trying to push the deal. Tesla chairwoman Robyn Denholm said last week that investors should ratify the award ASAP, or Musk could lose interest in Tesla and abandon the company.

"Elon's unique contributions have built Tesla from a company that was, in 2018, a loss-making, ambitious company with significant hurdles and challenges to overcome into what it is today – a company that is literally changing the world by driving so many critical initiatives that are making our planet more sustainable while at the same time delivering hundreds of billions of dollars of value to all of you who invested in Tesla's dream," Denholm attested. "These contributions should be respected."

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"Tesla chairwoman Robyn Denholm said last week that investors should ratify the award ASAP, or Musk could lose interest in Tesla and abandon the company."

Oh no. God forbid he abandon the company. That might actually help their stock actually. Seriously, this man is no genius and he's probably done more bad for the company than good in recent years. Let the man-baby go do something else.
"Tesla chairwoman Robyn Denholm said last week that investors should ratify the award ASAP, or Musk could lose interest in Tesla and abandon the company."

Oh no. God forbid he abandon the company. That might actually help their stock actually. Seriously, this man is no genius and he's probably done more bad for the company than good in recent years. Let the man-baby go do something else.
Actually, this would be great for investors because it would force a stock buy back. Stock buy backs are a tool companies use to increase the price of stocks while also being a tax write off.

Also, they agreed to this deal several years ago, Tesla's stock has gone up and it is the board who is in breach of contract.

I'm tired if hearing about this because this is so beyond being a Musk issue. The issue is that the board at Tesla is making deals and not following through with them.

If you remove Musk from this situation and read the situation as "Tesla won't follow through on $53 billion contract" the whole dynamic of it changes.

Don't forget that. They're trying to make Musk the bad guy, but if they didn't make that contract several years ago, Musk probably would not be working at Tesla now. He has 3 other business, 2 of which are extremely successful. He probably doesn't even care about whether or not he's the CEO of Tesla, he's the CEO of 2 other companies and flat out owner of the third.

Tesla is the bad guy here regardless of Musk being the billionaire man child that he is. Tesla willingly made a deal with Musk, Musk fullfilled the terms of the contract on his end(it was a bonus if Musk fullfilled his end of the bargain, he did) and it's time for Tesla to pay.
Why would they ever vote to pay anyone, let alone Musk? They've already reaped the benefits. If they can get away with a court-backed chargeback, they will.
I agree that if a contract was signed - they should honor it. Musk should’ve met them on the half way though. If he agrees to half of the sum in shares instead - it would still give him more money than anyone could spend in a life time + give him more control over the company again
I agree that if a contract was signed - they should honor it. Musk should’ve met them on the half way though. If he agrees to half of the sum in shares instead - it would still give him more money than anyone could spend in a life time + give him more control over the company again
Read the article, third last paragraph - "Oil Fund and others believe that the compensation package should be no more than $46 billion according to current performance."

This is what is called "negotiating"... when sums become this large, there is always a negotiation. No one (other than people on this forum) is arguing that Musk doesn't deserve compensation. Expect it to be around $50 billion when the dust settles.
Read the article, third last paragraph - "Oil Fund and others believe that the compensation package should be no more than $46 billion according to current performance."

This is what is called "negotiating"... when sums become this large, there is always a negotiation. No one (other than people on this forum) is arguing that Musk doesn't deserve compensation. Expect it to be around $50 billion when the dust settles.
The negation starts before the contract is signed, not after. This will kill Tesla's credit rating when dealing with other companies for materials and parts because it will always be in the back of their mind "are they gonna pay?"

Not paying Musk is bad for everyone involved, it makes zero sense. It's bad for investors, it's bad for Tesla's ability to negotiate contracts in the future and it's bad for use because the absurd amount of money they're spending on legal fees will trickle down into the cost of their vehicles.
The negation starts before the contract is signed, not after. This will kill Tesla's credit rating when dealing with other companies for materials and parts because it will always be in the back of their mind "are they gonna pay?"

Not paying Musk is bad for everyone involved, it makes zero sense. It's bad for investors, it's bad for Tesla's ability to negotiate contracts in the future and it's bad for use because the absurd amount of money they're spending on legal fees will trickle down into the cost of their vehicles.
Oh they'll pay... minimum $46 billion... the negotiations will be over the difference of $10 billion...
The negation starts before the contract is signed, not after. This will kill Tesla's credit rating when dealing with other companies for materials and parts because it will always be in the back of their mind "are they gonna pay?"

Not paying Musk is bad for everyone involved, it makes zero sense. It's bad for investors, it's bad for Tesla's ability to negotiate contracts in the future and it's bad for use because the absurd amount of money they're spending on legal fees will trickle down into the cost of their vehicles.
If the contract is worded such that the attained goal, even if it later drops, is met, than he'd win in court. If it's at all ambiguous about sustainability, then a reduced amount may be warranted.

Anyway, it's a rich people problem.
Actually, this would be great for investors because it would force a stock buy back. Stock buy backs are a tool companies use to increase the price of stocks while also being a tax write off.

Also, they agreed to this deal several years ago, Tesla's stock has gone up and it is the board who is in breach of contract.

I'm tired if hearing about this because this is so beyond being a Musk issue. The issue is that the board at Tesla is making deals and not following through with them.

If you remove Musk from this situation and read the situation as "Tesla won't follow through on $53 billion contract" the whole dynamic of it changes.

Don't forget that. They're trying to make Musk the bad guy, but if they didn't make that contract several years ago, Musk probably would not be working at Tesla now. He has 3 other business, 2 of which are extremely successful. He probably doesn't even care about whether or not he's the CEO of Tesla, he's the CEO of 2 other companies and flat out owner of the third.

Tesla is the bad guy here regardless of Musk being the billionaire man child that he is. Tesla willingly made a deal with Musk, Musk fullfilled the terms of the contract on his end(it was a bonus if Musk fullfilled his end of the bargain, he did) and it's time for Tesla to pay.

Except that you are forgetting two things: (I) neither of us, nor anyone commenting here, has read the contract to see what it actually says; and (ii) a judge has already found that "Tesla approved the award illegally due to Musk's close relationships and influence over the company's board members".
Oh no. God forbid he abandon the company. That might actually help their stock actually. Seriously, this man is no genius
It's obvious you're not a shareholder. Musk took Tesla from a bankrupt firm which had produced a grand total of 6 vehicles to a trillion dollar-plus market valuation ... and did it in against entrenched competition, when every analyst in the field was claiming it was impossible.

And since you've forgotten, Musk is still the only person in the world who has figured out how to make EVs profitably. Rivian: bankrupt. Fisker: bankrupt. IndieEV: bankrupt. WM Motors: bankrupt. Faraday: Bankrupt. Canoo: delisted and near-bankrupt. Polestar: loan defaulting, near bankrupt. Toyota, GM, Ford, Volkswagen: all hemorrhaging cash on every EV model they make.

gone up from what? it's down 31% from 1 year ago.
When Tesla agreed to the deal, it was worth $50B. Musk agreed to work for free for 10 full years, unless he could at least double the value of the company. Instead of merely doubling it, he took it over $1,100 billion, in just five years time -- the fastest such growth in history.
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The Tesla Investors/Shareholders don't have a choice, they are required to pay Musk that money. Musk has the option to take control by force if that division Tesla defaults and breaches contract. Just like the situation in the states, he is not powerless and if they fail to abide by the agreement he can, and likely will impose penalties. In the states, a judge ruled against him, so he took other actions and employed other methods to recover the money Tesla owed him. He should be about half-way to collecting what he's owe plus penalties.
Actually, this would be great for investors because it would force a stock buy back. Stock buy backs are a tool companies use to increase the price of stocks while also being a tax write off.

Also, they agreed to this deal several years ago, Tesla's stock has gone up and it is the board who is in breach of contract.

I'm tired if hearing about this because this is so beyond being a Musk issue. The issue is that the board at Tesla is making deals and not following through with them.

If you remove Musk from this situation and read the situation as "Tesla won't follow through on $53 billion contract" the whole dynamic of it changes.

Don't forget that. They're trying to make Musk the bad guy, but if they didn't make that contract several years ago, Musk probably would not be working at Tesla now. He has 3 other business, 2 of which are extremely successful. He probably doesn't even care about whether or not he's the CEO of Tesla, he's the CEO of 2 other companies and flat out owner of the third.

Tesla is the bad guy here regardless of Musk being the billionaire man child that he is. Tesla willingly made a deal with Musk, Musk fullfilled the terms of the contract on his end(it was a bonus if Musk fullfilled his end of the bargain, he did) and it's time for Tesla to pay.
This is all good and well, but you forgot (or purposely left out) a very important part. The board of director's was full of Musk's buddies and people he hand picked to be on the board, so this deal they agreed to is highly suspect. I mean, it's a great strategy. Fill the board with your supporters and then ask for a huge payout. What could go wrong?

Also, why does Musk need more money? He keeps saying he doesn't care about money (like when he stupidly bought Twitter) yet he keeps asking for more and more, never seeming to have enough.

Musk reminds me of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons:

Homer: You know, Mr. Burns, you're the richest guy I know. Way richer than Lenny.
Mr Burns: Oh, yes. But I'd trade it all for a little more.
The Tesla Investors/Shareholders don't have a choice, they are required to pay Musk that money. Musk has the option to take control by force if that division Tesla defaults and breaches contract. Just like the situation in the states, he is not powerless and if they fail to abide by the agreement he can, and likely will impose penalties. In the states, a judge ruled against him, so he took other actions and employed other methods to recover the money Tesla owed him. He should be about half-way to collecting what he's owe plus penalties.
Everything you just said is wrong. There was already a lawsuit about this and Musk lost. End of story. Musk can take control by force? Yeah, that's hilarious. He would've done that long ago if it was that simple.
Everything you just said is wrong.
Oh, sure it is...
There was already a lawsuit about this and Musk lost.
Yeah, and? He lost the court battle(which is being appealed currently), but he's taking the money he's owed out of Tesla in another way, one the courts can't block without shutting Tesla down. So, you were saying?
Musk can take control by force? Yeah, that's hilarious.
No it's not, it's called a hostile takeover. Look it up.
He would've done that long ago if it was that simple.
He had no reason to until now. I would not be at all surprised to see him do it.
This is all good and well, but you forgot (or purposely left out) a very important part. The board of director's was full of Musk's buddies and people he hand picked to be on the board
Oops! And then Tesla picked new board members as the SEC demanded -- and they validated the same pay package as well.

And you also forgot that those "buddies" were all large Tesla stockholders themselves, who at the time cumulatively owned most of the company anyway.

Finally, let's not forget the terms of the deal. Tesla didn't pay Musk a penny. He agreed to work without salary for 10 full years, and -- had he not at least doubled the worth of the company, he wouldn't have made a penny.

Also, why does Musk need more money?
The same tired old socialist anti-logic, sigh.
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Actually, this would be great for investors because it would force a stock buy back. Stock buy backs are a tool companies use to increase the price of stocks while also being a tax write off.

Also, they agreed to this deal several years ago, Tesla's stock has gone up and it is the board who is in breach of contract.

I'm tired if hearing about this because this is so beyond being a Musk issue. The issue is that the board at Tesla is making deals and not following through with them.

If you remove Musk from this situation and read the situation as "Tesla won't follow through on $53 billion contract" the whole dynamic of it changes.

Don't forget that. They're trying to make Musk the bad guy, but if they didn't make that contract several years ago, Musk probably would not be working at Tesla now. He has 3 other business, 2 of which are extremely successful. He probably doesn't even care about whether or not he's the CEO of Tesla, he's the CEO of 2 other companies and flat out owner of the third.

Tesla is the bad guy here regardless of Musk being the billionaire man child that he is. Tesla willingly made a deal with Musk, Musk fullfilled the terms of the contract on his end(it was a bonus if Musk fullfilled his end of the bargain, he did) and it's time for Tesla to pay.

The board tried to pay up, but shareholder lawsuit in Delaware stopped it. Now trying again to get it passed. Not entirely boards fault.
I agree that if a contract was signed - they should honor it. Musk should’ve met them on the half way though. If he agrees to half of the sum in shares instead - it would still give him more money than anyone could spend in a life time + give him more control over the company again

To be fair, it won't give him "money to spend". It will give him shares in a company. I haven't seen much evidence that Musk likes to spend a bunch of money on himself. He does have interest in running/owning companies, however.
Except that you are forgetting two things: (I) neither of us, nor anyone commenting here, has read the contract to see what it actually says; and (ii) a judge has already found that "Tesla approved the award illegally due to Musk's close relationships and influence over the company's board members".

Except that the board members are not the ones who approved the package. The vast majority of shareholders did.
Everything's so wrong... a single person that receive 50b+ for what? lol
he's just a bully.
He didn't receive 50+ billion "dollars". He received a percentage of the company he brought to unlikely success. That share of the company does not exist in the form of dollars.
Good for them! Just looking at all the tricks that Musk has pulled on people, he isn't worth one red cent. Tell him to go pound salt ....