In context: If you didn't catch the memo, Doom: The Dark Ages is an upcoming prequel to the 2016 Doom reboot and its 2020 sequel Eternal. It takes the Doom Slayer and thrusts him into a medieval-like setting to show the origins of his never-ending rage against the demonic forces of Hell. While swapping the usual futuristic aesthetic for a more ancient look is a big shift, id Software is ensuring there's still an arsenal of advanced weapons to tear demons apart.

Leading that charge is the Shield Saw, a combination shield and throwable buzzsaw blade that lets you block attacks while dishing out serious damage. It stole the show in the reveal trailer, and merely a day later the legendary Doom modding community got to work bringing it to the original game.

Modder Craneo converted Doom's classic chainsaw weapon into the brand-new Shield Saw. While it retains the core sawing functionality, it adds the throwing offensive and defensive capabilities seen in The Dark Ages trailer. You can hurl the Shield Saw at enemies, watch it ricochet off them and nearby surfaces, and yes, even block incoming fire by right-clicking the mouse to raise the shield.

Craneo says that the clip shows the game running on the Scythe 2 mapset using sprites from the GothMons enemy mod.

However, unlike the saw demoed in the trailer, the modded version seems to follow the laws of physics a little too well and doesn't always return Captain America-style to Doomguy. You'll have to (rather inelegantly) walk over to retrieve it.

Also read: Ripping and Tearing: 3 Decades of Doom

The Shield Saw isn't the only part of The Dark Ages that Craneo has his eyes on. The trailer also showed off a menacing "Skull Gun" that seemingly draws ammunition from literal human skulls. Craneo revealed he's now working on bringing that to the OG Doom too since he "was bored."

Like the Shield Saw, the "Skullcrusher" is already looking pretty great, albeit a lot gorier than its official version in the trailer. Both weapons appear to be a work-in-progress but you can still try them out here and here.

It's just the latest example of why the Doom community's dedication to modding the 30-year-old game is unmatched. From adding modern graphics and new chapters to playing the game on absurd devices like pregnancy tests and lawnmowers, they are always finding new ways to breathe life into the title.