Storage articles

google backup google cloud

Google discloses how they mistakenly erased $135 billion cloud customer account

Facepalm: One of Google Cloud's worst nightmares came true in early May, when an embarrassing snafu completely erased a customer's account and data backups. The unlucky victim was Australian pension fund UniSuper, which manages a staggering $135 billion in assets for over 600,000 members. The pension fund was essentially frozen for two weeks, unable to fully operate while it scrambled to recover from third-party backups.
storage retro floppy disk with video

From nostalgia to necessity: why floppy disks refuse to fade away

Still spinning in the age of cloud storage
RETRO-TASTIC It's been close to fifteen years since the last new floppy disk was manufactured by Sony. That's a long time by any standard, and it's especially lengthy in the ever-advancing tech world. But despite the finite number of disks decreasing every year, there are those who still hold on to floppies, whether for nostalgia-fuelled pleasure or necessity.